

25 interesting things that you learn about computers in the movies...

25 interesting things that you learn about computers in the movies...

  1. High tech equipment is often driven by a computer with a DOS prompt. (re: RoboCop)

  2. High tech companies don't do offsite backups of the data (re: Terminator 2)

  3. All media devices are readily available - ie If someone hands you a DAT tape with important data on it your PC will have a DAT drive.

  4. No matter what you ask a computer to do it will respond with a percentage complete bargraph - especially when searching for data it can accurately give you the time remaining until it finds that data.

  5. Data searching will always involve displaying all the searched data on the screen until a match is found - this is true of text and graphics such as fingerprints.

  6. Telephone calls can be easily redirected through places all over the world, and upon a tracea globe will be displayed complete with lines travelling between each place.

  7. Deleting of data always takes just a little less time than it takes the bad guys to knock down the door.

  8. Alltechnology is plug and play - every computer can have any piece of technology attached.

  9. High tech graphical interfaces are often driven by hundreds of keystrokes which do not appear anywhere on the screen.

  10. IP addresses automatically supply the feds with the physical address (ie log on and they know where you are!)

  11. Word processors never display a cursor.

  12. You never have to use the spacebar when typing long sentences. Just keep hitting the keys without stopping

  13. All monitors display 2 inch high letters.

  14. High-tech computers, such as those used by NASA, the CIA, or some such governmental institution, have easy-to-understand graphical >interfaces.

  15. Those that don't will have incredibly powerful text-based command shells that can correctly understand and execute commands typed in plain English.

  16. Corollary: You can gain access to any information you want by simply typing "ACCESS ALL OF THE SECRET FILES" on any keyboard.

  17. Likewise, you can infect a computer with a destructive virus by simply typing "UPLOAD VIRUS." Viruses cause temperatures in computers, > >just like they do in humans. After a while, smoke billows out of disk >drives and monitors.

  18. All computers are connected. You can access the information on the villain's desktop computer, even if it's turned off.

  19. Powerful computers beep whenever you press a key or whenever the screen changes. Some computers also slow down the output on the screen so that it doesn't go faster than you can read. The *really* advanced ones also emulate the sound of a dot-matrix printer as the characters come across the screen.

  20. All computer panels have thousands of volts and flash pots just underneath the surface. Malfunctions are indicated by a bright flash, a puff of smoke, a shower of sparks, and an explosion that forces you backward. (See #7, above)

  21. People typing away on a computer will turn it off without saving the data.

  22. A hacker can get into the most sensitive computer in the world before intermission and guess the secret password in two tries.

  23. Any PERMISSION DENIED has an OVERRIDE function.

  24. Complex calculations and loading of huge amounts of data will be accomplished in under three seconds. In the movies, modems transmit data at two gigabytes per second.

  25. When the power plant/missile site/whatever overheats, all the control panels will explode, as will the entire building.

  26. If you display a file on the screen and someone deletes the file, it also disappears from the screen. There are no ways to copy a >backup file -- and there are no undelete utilities.

  27. If a disk has encrypted files, you are automatically asked for a password when you try to access it.

  28. No matter what kind of computer disk it is, it'll be readable by >any system you put it into. All application software is usable by all >computer platforms.

  29. The more high-tech the equipment, the more buttons it has. However, everyone must have been highly trained, because the buttons aren't labelled.

  30. Most computers, no matter how small, have reality-defying three-dimensional, real-time, photo-realistic animated graphics capability.

  31. Laptops, for some strange reason, always seem to have amazing real-time video phone capabilities and the performance of a CRAY-MP.

  32. Whenever a character looks at a VDU, the image is so bright that it projects itself onto his/her face.

  33. Computers never crash during key, high-intensity activities. Humans operating computers never make mistakes under stress.

  34. Programs are fiendishly perfect and never have bugs that slow down users.

  35. Any photograph can have minute details pulled out of it. You can zoom into any picture as far as you want to.




等剩饭温度降至室温时,放入冰箱冷藏。剩饭的保存时间,以不隔餐为宜,早剩午吃,午剩晚吃,尽量缩短在5至6小时以内。不要吃热水或菜汤泡的剩饭,不能把剩饭倒在新饭中,以免加热不彻底。吃剩饭前一定要彻底加热,一般加热分钟即可。或在做饭时,把剩 饭与生米一起下锅。  




材料:熟透香蕉半条,蛋黄1 个,檀香精华油1滴。做法:香蕉削皮取肉搓烂成蓉,与蛋黄拌和,加入一滴檀香精华油后搅匀,敷面约10 分钟或干后洗去便可。木瓜面膜用木瓜做面膜则可亮泽肌肤的效果, 它含丰富的天然孝素,可温和地为皮肤去除暗哑死皮。而乳胳则为油性及暗疮肌肤进行温和杀菌,其果酸更可令皮肤恢复白净明亮。材料:小木瓜1/3 个,原味乳胳50ml做法:木瓜去籽,起肉后搓烂成蓉。倒进乳胳中搅匀,敷面约10分钟便可洗去。








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[燒朱古力香蕉]1. 將蕉皮撕開少少,然後塞幾粒純朱古力入去蕉皮與蕉肉之間的位置
2. 將蕉皮蓋上,用錫紙包好,再放在火推旁燴十五分鐘點食好?朱古力和蕉肉被燒成半熔狀態,兩種味道加起來,真係冇諗過咁好食!注意:純朱古力粒要整成細細粒,因為太大粒會好難熔。另外,將放朱古力一面擺向火,效果就會更加好。
[燒牛油冬菇]1. 用大大隻的鮮冬菇,塗上大量牛油2. 用錫紙包好放在火推旁燴十五分鐘點食好?如果你一向都喜歡食鮮冬菇,這種食法就真係一流!牛油的香味與鮮冬菇鮮味簡直是絕配。 如果你喜歡蒜茸味,加上蒜茸一起燴味道亦好好。注意: 冬菇都幾易燒焦,所以要加倍留意火候。
[燒芝士茄子]1. 將茄子切成一舊舊,然後舖上適合大小的片裝芝士2. 將茄子燒成金黃色,就可以挖茄子肉出來食點食好?茄子肉好軟、好滑、好鮮味,加上芝士的香味,嘩!好味!注意: 芝士未熔之前,好容易會離茄子而去,所以燒的時候要睇實佢![燒薯皮]1. 事前要將薯仔出水,再切片(話明燒薯皮,當然每片都要保留薯皮啦!)點食好? 一個字,「香」!如果你喜歡甜味,塗上蜜糖燒一樣咁正!注意: 將薯仔出水時要適可而止,因為出水時間太長,薯肉就會太軟,燒的時候薯皮就好容易斷。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) 燒燈籠椒,好甜架

2) 燒矮瓜之後挖d肉出黎撈麻油食

3) 焗矮瓜: 矮瓜切塊, 加入日式燒醬(Teriyaki sauce)用鍚紙包住焗,or 淨煨開封後放入腐乳

4) 香蕉...唔好去皮...剪開一條痕窒D朱古力(預先將純朱古力整成細細粒)落去香蕉面.用錫紙包好,燔15-20分鐘.完成後,朱古力就會溶左係個蕉面..味道極佳. 但小心未用朱 古力前,佢已經溶哂.

5) 墨魚、大蝦、多春魚, 包你話正!!

6) 吊片 : 齋燒. 要加入大量蜜糖,否則好苦仲可以加辣椒豉油.

7) 要用錫紙包著來燒的金菇, 粟米, 薯仔,小白菜,加d牛油and蒜蓉落去,可加美極